
The journey

I have always been a fan of Porsche, however after Brexit, my chances of owning one decreased by 20-30% (In reality they cost that much more, duty and VAT)

So, many ask, why didn’t you import one before brexit? I did, for my wife, because at the time I still had a relatively new Mercedes GLA.

COVID struck, and I wasn’t using my car anyway, so I decided to part ways with the Merc, and settle for a small electric car. The small electric car will be a whole other blog altogether!

Here’s a glance at my daily driver.. It has been at me for over half a year, and I can safely say, it’s like Marmite, you either love it or hate it!

So what could I do?

I thought, right, what’s my plan to eventually own an 911? I can either bite the bullet and import one from the UK, or else look at other options, such as Cyprus or Ireland, who quite frankly are still stuck in the same situation the Maltese are! We drive right hand drive cars, and the biggest market is now that little more out of reach!

I started looking for a RHD 911 in Spain, near Gibraltar, so many British down there, I’m sure one of them would have driven their car down rather than buying one there.. especially if they are temporarily, like 2-6yrs.. my search results found tons of right hand drive cars, but none where porsche 911’s.

I decided to widen my horizons and started looking at rhd cars all around Europe, and I eventually found one in Riga, I emailed and got in contact with the guy, and at first it seemed like it was a viable option, he imports to Latvia, pays vat and duty and registers it in the EU, then I can drive it back home and re register it in Malta.

A few months later, the guy lost contact and stopped taking my calls! Maybe he didn’t think I was genuine! Or he was going to do it himself!

The find!

I set some custom alerts on a number of sites, to notify me of any Porsche 911’s “right hand drive” or “RHD” are listed for sale, and lo and behold.. my alert notified me of a Person selling one in Spain mainland (or so I thought!)

So I sent a message to the person selling the car asking for more information on the car etc.. I kept checking my phone to see if he read the messages.. a day or two passed.. and nothing.. so decided to add him on Facebook.. another couple of days passed.. he didn’t accept my friend request 😩😩😩

So, I started my quest to obtain his mobile number to give him a call.. Seeing I am extremely busy at work and when I get back from work, with two kids, two dogs and a house to maintain, this limited my search to a couple of hours a day in the evening whilst watching Netflix .

A few searches later, a few days, weeks later, I manage to source this persons number, with a stroke of luck, I noticed that he had liked a yacht brokerage company.. and I decided to call and see if he was selling a Porsche 911, because it isn’t uncommon to buy or sell luxury yachts and also throw in a luxury car too..

I finally decided ok Tom, it’s time to go out and call that number and get all the details! I called, the seller answered and boom! He was the guy selling the car and was very extremely helpful and accommodating!

Mallorca – Barcelona

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